Reading For Growth. Reading For You.

Reading for Growth. Reading for You-2.

“Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.” -Anonymous

When the times are changing, we learn, we adapt, we evolve. The transition inevitably brings in change; sometimes welcome, sometimes not. What matters is clinging on to enough passion and spirit to make oneself a reasoned and respected individual. “Reading is food for the mind.” This concise yet thoughtfully precise statement sums up the qualitative growth that the eagerness to learn adds to your character. There are numerous positives that one can reap out of engulfing yourself in the need to read. Here are a few fruitful and sometimes unnoticed benefits:

  • Sharpened memorising and retaining skills, concentration and focus.
  • Better understanding of cultures, societies and places. Thus knowledge of various races, customs and traditions.
  • Researchers have pointed to a drastic drop of nearly 68% in stress levels.
  • Improved discipline and self-esteem.
  • A stronger vocabulary and well versed personality.
  • Promote creativity, reasoning and open-mindedness.

Having the power to enter the domain of another man’s(authors) imagination kindles an active mental process. It opens doors to an unending horizon of thoughts, ideas, perspectives and insights. Entering another world of new and unknown possibilities boosts the yearning to become a better being.